Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Mean Kitty Song

Well, ignore the last post and try this one. I guess that old learning curve is steeper than I thought...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Flickring around

Wow, I not only got onto Flickr, but actually posted pictures and then added one to my own blog. I could get to likin' this stuff.
For those who are contemplating adding a picture from Flickr to a blog entry, if your blog is on blogger (along with the rest of us newbies) you choose the first option offered at Flickr when asked what type of blog you have. I think the option was just called "Blogger blog".

What do you mean "no ball"?

What do you mean "no ball"?
Originally uploaded by dmw1151
Sigh. Poor Lucky is no longer allowed to play ball in the house.
Lucky is a 3 year old Pug/Rat Terrier mix with a serious tennis ball jones. So, the next time you're feeling sorry for yourself, remember Lucky and count your blessings. After all, you can play ball in the house any time you want.